Thursday, January 13, 2011

Internship Week 2

1. What is the biggest challenge face at your internship?

The biggest challenge I face at my internship is the when I correct and help the students on their math or writing. I'm patient but I get frustrated because some times I feel like just doing the work for them but the whole point is to teach them which feels great when they actually understand it. There are some students who are immature and don't take me seriously because even though I'm interning at the school they see more as a friend figure then a teacher so I'm trying to get it through to them that I'm an intern and I deserve respect so I have been learning how to talk to students assertively without being too nice or hard on them.

How has or do you see your internship changing the way you consider that paths your future will take?

Well for one I'm glad I get this experience to observe a teacher teach students and look through the process they have to go to so far, it's not that bad but I'm still not sure if I see myself doing this as a career but I definitely see myself going to college and working with people, I don't want to work in a office I would rather be independent in a room like a teacher. I also know that my favorite subjects are English and writing so I will major in one of those and look for a job where I can teach that, I'm not sure if I want to be a grade or middle school teacher because I want to teach more English and writing rather than all these other subjects because it's a lot to juggle.

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